Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Unpredictable Wet Windy Weather Didn't Dampen this Session! {Sanger, CA. Family Portraits}

Growing up in a small community and then having the opportunity to raise my children in that same community has some wonderful benefits. I am friends with a lot of moms and dads that I had the chance to go to school with or our parents went to school together or our parents worked together...and in some cases did all three of these things! It makes me feel like living in a small community such as ours is like living amongst a lot of extended family members. I feel lucky to know a lot of the parents my children are and will be going to school with because of this history.
One of these moms in this session I got the privilege to get to know from our children's school and come to find out our dads worked together years ago and my dad was even her brother's (who is also in these pics)football coach at one time! I love this little town of mine!! This family was so great! We had to deal with some dark clouds, some raindrops, and sudden but brief gusts of wind during their session but everyone just kept their smiles and did sooo awesome!! Thanks Everyone!

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