Monday, August 15, 2011

Off to the Races {Fresno, CA. Baby's Milestone Portraits}

I love doing milestone portraits for many reasons. I enjoy being able to spend time with clients knowing that we will get a chance to visit again in a few months (if not sooner). I also enjoy these year long sessions because I enjoy seeing how much a baby develops just in the few months that I havent seen them. With how fast this little guy was crawling during his session, I expect him to not only be walking but probably out running me for his 12 month session. :)
I enjoyed shooting this little man's 9 month portraits and being able to catch up with his fabulous mommy at the same time. This handsome guy did a great job during his session and mom was a great helper getting him to smile. Thank you for once again welcoming me into your home. Here are just a few to enjoy. Hugs!!

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