I was so happy to get some shots of this adorable little 3 soon-to-be 4 year old! She was so much fun to photograph and I loved her energy! I laugh when I think about how excited she was to show me all the flowers in her yard! Not only did she give me a tour of her mommy's beautiful flower gardens but she also did a great job showing me how fast she could run and how well she could ride her bike! I was so proud of all of her accomplishments that morning!! I was also very impressed with her ability to help me compose some of her pictures!! She is going to be a wonderful photographer some day!! Thanks again to this little cutie pie and her mommy for inviting me over to photograph her and I can't wait to work with her and her wonderful family again! Have a Happy Birthday kiddo!! This little sweet pea was such a good little photographer's assistant that I had her framing me for a shot!
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