I was so happy to get some shots of this adorable little 3 soon-to-be 4 year old! She was so much fun to photograph and I loved her energy! I laugh when I think about how excited she was to show me all the flowers in her yard! Not only did she give me a tour of her mommy's beautiful flower gardens but she also did a great job showing me how fast she could run and how well she could ride her bike! I was so proud of all of her accomplishments that morning!! I was also very impressed with her ability to help me compose some of her pictures!! She is going to be a wonderful photographer some day!! Thanks again to this little cutie pie and her mommy for inviting me over to photograph her and I can't wait to work with her and her wonderful family again! Have a Happy Birthday kiddo!! This little sweet pea was such a good little photographer's assistant that I had her framing me for a shot!
Seriously, living near the foothills is super awesome for a photographer! There are little hidden photo gems all over the hillside. Plus I felt super lucky to have a nice overcast day to give me the natural softbox lighting effects! I am so glad this high school senior and his mom were up for a little scenic drive with me cause the area that we found to shoot was totally worth it! I had a great time hanging out and chatting with you guys! Thanks and congratulations on your upcoming graduation!!!
Well the last couple of months have been pretty busy for me but I was so glad that I had the opportunity to photograph this wonderful couple for their 25th Wedding Anniversary. It was definitely time to get some wedding pictures for these two. Sadly, the photographer they had photograph their wedding 25 years ago never delivered their pictures. Which is why I felt SO HAPPY and HONORED to get these awesome shots of this lovely couple! During their session, I found out that even though these two were celebrating 25 years of marriage, their love for eachother started out in junior high math class when he was her tutor! I never realized math could also equal love!! :) Congratulations again you two!!!
Just wanted to wish all of my fellow moms out there a Happy, Healthy, and Restful Mother's Day!! Here is one from a recent maternity shoot with one gorgeous mama-to-be!!
I really enjoy shooting family portraits. I love to observe how different families interact with eachother but one thing that I see almost always with every family is how much they are there for one another. I definitely saw that with this family! Whenever someone needed that extra cheering to get them smiling or looking at the camera, there was always someone from the family there to help out! What an awesome group of people this family is!! Thanks everyone for being so great! I LOVED photographing all of you!! Here is just a sneak peek of what was shot that day! Hope you enjoy!!