The holidays usually mean a time to get together with family and share some happy memories. Well this couple was able to do this for Christmas as well as their wedding. They were a great couple to shoot and were great sports about taking pictures on such a chilly day. I know we warmed up the guys when we had them run after an ambulance for some fun shots....thanks guys!Seriously though, I have a feeling that maybe it was all the love coming from the couple, their families, and friends that kept them all warm. Regardless, all of you were great and I wish this happy couple nothing but the best! We took advantage and had some fun with an ambulance that came by....don't worry the groom was fine!
I love when I get a call/email for a session where the people already have an idea of what kind of pictures they are looking for. Usually when this happens I have a lot of fun thowing out my ideas to clients and together we collaberate on how we can accomplish their photo ideas. Well this is what happened with this session! We knew that the boys were gonna be decked out in the western attire, so we wanted something that would compliment their outfits. So together their mom and I decided on a spot to shoot and here are the awesome photos that we got! Many, many good ones to choose from but here are just a few!
This family was a great family! When I first heard the forecast that there was going to be rain the day before our session in the park, I was a little worried that we might have to postpone the session because the ground would be too wet. Luckily, though the ground was a little moist and the air did have a bit of a chill, the session went on as planned. I shot portraits of the girls last fall and couldn't believe how different they look from last year to now! I was very excited that this year we got the whole family in the, dad, daughters, and grandparents....the more the merrier, right? Definitely!! Here are just a couple of top picks from our session. Enjoy!!
As I mentioned in the earlier post, as a photographer you are invited into people's lives and asked to capture treasured moments. To me this is an awesome part of the job! I was thrilled when I was asked to take this family's pictures this fall because I have already been lucky enough to photograph one of these teens for her senior pictures this past spring! Well I had a blast photographing her again as well as her sister and cousin this past week! And as an added bonus they mentioned to me that day that they hadn't taken pictures together since they were in diapers....well maybe not that long ago but it had been quite a while! So I was glad to help get some pictures of these cousins that were definitely due! Here are just a few of the many great shots we got that day for you to enjoy! We had to get silly for some of these. Thanks guys for agreeing to my silly ideas for shots!
I have mentioned numerous times on this blog that I love my job....for many reasons! One reason this job is so great is when I am invited into someone's home to capture the precious moments in a family's a new baby in the family. I enjoyed meeting these new parents and their adorable little girl! Here are just a few treasured images from their session. Best of luck! Enjoy!
When I recieved the call for this session, I was thrilled to shoot this family portrait! I was excited because over the phone I was told that this family wanted to shoot their family portrait with their horses in a nearby orchard. So the details over the phone sounded pretty cool to me! However, I was in awe to see so much beauty in one session. The beautiful colors in the orchard, their stunning horses, and of course this gorgeous family! Thanks for being such a great family and it was a pleasure meeting all of you! Here are a few of my top favorites from the session.
I had a great start to Halloween this year with this fun engagement session. I have mentioned numerous times on this blog how much I love doing my job and how fun it can be when the couple is awesome! Well this couple was very agreeable and easy to work with....which the combination makes me love my job even more! I am so looking forward to shooting their wedding that is fast approaching. I know the day will bring much more fun and great photo opportunities. Had a lot of favorites from this session but these made the top of my list! Enjoy!